Overview schedule

The workshop will consist of three full days (9am-6pm) and a half day on Thursday (9am-12pm). Participants are welcome to stay after lunch on Thursday to work on their projects.

All times are in PST (Los Angeles time)

Day 1: Getting started (9am - 6pm)

Start End Session Speaker
9:00 10:00 Icebreaker, Overview of of FROGS and PyRATES, the LeapFROGS platform Deborah Khider
10:00 11:00 Reproducible Research: What is it, why is it important and how do we do it? Deborah Khider
11:00 11:30 Working through a reproducible example: the HadCRUT5 data All
11:30 12:00 BREAK ———
12:00 12:30 Reproducing a study in your field: getting started All
12:30 13:00 Reproducing a study in your field: getting started - Peer-to-peer feedback All
13:00 14:00 LUNCH On your own
14:00 16:00 Intro to Python or R Deborah Khider, David Edge, Julien Emile-Geay, Nick McKay
16:00 16:30 BREAK ———
16:30 17:30 Working Groups: Lightning Talks Deborah Khider, David Edge, Julien Emile-Geay, Nick McKay
17:30 18:00 Plenary debrief all

Day 2: Building Up (9am - 6pm)

Start End Session Speaker
9:00 11:00 Intro to Python or R/ Get started on your reproducibility study Deborah Khider, David Edge, Julien Emile-Geay, Nick McKay
11:00 11:30 BREAK ———
11:30 13:00 Concepts in data and software publishing Deborah Khider
13:00 14:00 LUNCH On your own
14:00 15:30 GitHub for software publishing and collaboration Deborah Khider
15:30 16:30 BREAK ———
16:30 18:00 Concepts in timeseries analysis and data processing Julien Emile-Geay, NickMcKay

Day 3: Roaring the Engine (9am - 6pm)

Start End Session Speaker
9:00 10:30 Measures of Association: correlation, regression, degrees of freedom Julien Emile-Geay, Nick McKay
10:30 11:30 BREAK ———
11:30 13:00 Significance and Surrogates Julien Emile-Geay, NickMcKay
13:00 14:00 LUNCH On your own
14:00 15:30 Spectral and Wavelet Analysis Julien Emile-Geay, David Edge
15:30 16:30 BREAK ———
16:30 18:00 Publishing Reproducible Workflows Deborah Khider

Day 4: Fireworks (9am - 12pm)

Start End Session Speaker
9:00 10:30 Preparing to publish your reproducibility study All
10:30 11:00 BREAK ———
11:00 12:00 Citing data and software in your publications Deborah Khider